
    Virgin Islands Board of Pharmacy

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Department of Health functions as both the state regulatory agency and the territorial public health agency for the U.S. Virgin Islands. As set forth by the Virgin Islands Code, Titles 3 and 19, the Department of Health (DOH) has direct responsibility for conducting programs of preventive medicine, including special programs in Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning, Environmental Sanitation, Mental Health, and Drug and Substance Abuse Prevention. DOH also is responsible for health promotion and protection, regulation of health care providers and facilities, and policy development and planning, as well as maintaining the vital statistics for the population.

    • Listing ID: 34129
    Contact details

    3500 Estate Richmond Christiansted, VI 00820-4370US - Virgin Islands,00820-4370 340/718-1311 ext. 3647 or 3849 https://doh.vi.gov/