
    Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners was established by the Legislature in 1887 to help protect the interest of Arkansas citizens. The Board is authorized by statute to license dentists and dental hygienists by examination or credentials. The Board issues specialty licenses to dentists who have post graduate training and successfully complete an examination. The Board registers dental corporations. The Board issues permits to dental assistants who have qualified for expanded duties. It issues anesthesia permits to dentists who have special training and wish to use general anesthesia or conscious sedation in their offices. It issues local anesthesia permits to dental hygienists who have special training that meets Board criteria.

    • Listing ID: 27548
    Contact details

    101 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 111 Little Rock, ARUS - Arkansas,72201 501-682-2085 https://www.asbde.org/about-us#history