
    Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Mississippi State Board of Dental Examiners (“the Board”) is a legislatively-mandated state regulatory agency charged with the responsibilities of examining, licensing, registering, and regulating the practices of dentistry and dental hygiene to ensure competency (through examination and licensure) and ethics (through registration and regulation) among all dental professionals in the State of Mississippi for the ultimate goal of safeguarding and enhancing the health and welfare of the citizens of this State. As such, the Board is neither affiliated with nor functions as a subsidiary of any private or professional organization.

    • Listing ID: 27704
    Contact details

    600 East Amite Street, Suite 100 Jackson, MSUS - Mississippi,39201-2801 601-944-9622 https://www.dentalboard.ms.gov/msbde/msbde.nsf