
    North Carolina Board of Podiatry Examiners

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Board of Podiatry Examiners for the State of North Carolina (NCBPE) was established by North Carolina General Statute (90-202.2 to 90-202.14) as North Carolina’s licensing and registry board for the profession of podiatry. The NCBPE consists of four members, three North Carolina licensed podiatrists and one member from the community. All members are appointed by the Governor for three-year terms. (Board members and meeting schedule) The purpose of NCBPE is to serve the best interests of the public and medical profession by evaluating the initial and continuing qualifications of podiatrists in the state of North Carolina.

    • Listing ID: 34806
    Contact details

    1500 Sunday Dr Ste 102 Raleigh, NC 27607-5151US - North Carolina,27607-5151 919-861-5583 http://www.ncbpe.org