
    South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The primary mission of the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners is to protect the public and fulfill two major functions: (1) licensing physicians (M.D. and D.O.), physician assistants, anesthesiologist assistants,respiratory care practitioners, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, acupuncturists, auricular therapists, and auricular detoxification specialists; and (2) investigating and disciplining licensees found to be engaged in misconduct as defined in the professions’ respective practice acts. This includes illegal, unethical or incompetent conduct.

    • Listing ID: 32510
    Contact details

    110 Centerview Dr, Columbia, SCUS - South Carolina,29210 (803) 896-4300 ***** https://www.llr.sc.gov/med/