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Reviews5 Best Telehealth Books For Mental Health

5 Best Telehealth Books For Mental Health

Looking for more resources for your mental health practice? Find the 5 best telehealth books for mental health in the article. 

The world has advanced in telecommunication technologies so much that there is a significant increase in health applications. These health applications have become more affordable and accessible. Despite the affordability, these Health Apps provide quality care to everyone. There are some best telehealth books for mental health to learn about these health applications and their ethics. The word telemental health might be a new thing for you, and you will be wondering what it is. However, if you have heard about telehealth, then you will quickly understand what telemental health is. The term telemental health is explicitly used for your psychiatrist or behavioral health service provider. 

Telehealth is a service provided by your physician through the internet or from long distance during this time of the pandemic. Not only pandemic but many physicians and doctors prefer telehealth clinics when they are abroad and can’t manage to deal with two different places simultaneously. To know more about telehealth, there are few best telehealth books for mental health clinics. This telehealth clinic is cheaper because it does not require a proper setup. In these few best telehealth books for mental health, the authors have listed ethical ways of conducting therapy sessions online. It can be through telephone messages online or video chat which is covered in the 5 best telehealth books for mental health.

Below we have listed the 5 best telehealth books for mental health.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Telemental Health

Two authors write this book called A Practitioner’s Guide to Telemental Health, one is David D Luxton, who is also a Ph.D. and the other one is Marlene M Maheu. In this book, all the critical areas of dealing with teleclinic have been covered. This book covers the concepts and the basic principles of telemental health. This book tells about how the challenges that physical distance and Technology can create are manageable with the help of some guidelines from these authors. This practical guide book covers topics like conducting daily practice within the legal requirements.  Because of it’s practical approach, it made it to the list of the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals.

It also talks about conducting practice within the regulatory and ethical requirements. This book also focuses on safeguarding client privacy and ensuring adequate security of all their data and information. This book also covers the topic of providing direct clinical care to people. The publisher of this book is the American Psychological Association. The New England psychologist has positively reviewed this book. The book is not too thick and lengthy, but it only has 176 pages to cover up or grasp all the information. Since the book is in English, it can read by almost all the practitioners easily. 


  • Covers all the essential topics
  • Has all the relevant information 
  • Excellent for beginners
  • The free application is also available
  • Not very lengthy


A Customer complains that it does not have anything new if you know about telemental health

Telemedicine Practical Regulations

Dr. Mike Richards writes this book, and he has put most of his knowledge to cover all the essential topics of telemental health. This book is written by Dr. Mike to guide all those medical professionals about telehealth. It is not only for the medical professional but also for ordinary people, and everyone else can also use it. With the help of this book, you can learn about the benefits of mental health and know all the laws and regulations that are necessary when you’re practicing telemental health. 

The author has discussed the basic types of telehealth Technologies in his book. Topics like remote patient monitoring and advantages for doctors and patients are also discussed. This book can be the complete guide that you might require to get into this telehealth industry. You can also use the information provided in this book to make a difference in your life or improve any other life. The language preferred in this book is English. The print length of the book is only 197 pages, which is not too lengthy.  Because of it’s focus, it made it to the list of 5 best telehealth books for mental health providers.


  • Covers all the essential
  • Tells about professional attitude
  • Give detail about the laws and requirements of telemental health
  • Can increase your interest in telemental health 



Mental Health Care of Children and Adolescents

This book is written by Jane Meschan Foy, MD, FAAP. This book can be a perfect guide for dealing with signs and symptoms of certain mental health conditions. It is addressing so many pediatric mental health problems within a framework. It can also help you to identify major mental health concerns by their signs and symptoms. This book includes various topics, and a few of the best ones are the integration of Preventive Mental Health Care in children. According to this book, the reading level mentioned is for baby and up, which means children can preferably enjoy reading this book.

It talks about pediatric mental health and talks about the office and network systems that are supposed to support mental health care for their employees. It has a complicated topic included for psychiatric emergencies and its details. Moreover, this book also provides guidance about assessing and caring for children who have unexplained medical symptoms related to mental health. The best topic that this book talks about is, partnering to improve the overall mental health of the community. There are 932 pages in this book. The focus on children made it to the list of the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals.


  • A lot of topics related to mental health are included
  • Detailed discussion on all the topics
  • Focuses on the mental health of society overall
  • Can be read by children and adults both 


Very lengthy

Telemental Health

The author of this book is Joni Gilbertson, a certified telemental health trainer, and a therapist. This book is a comprehensive guide book for anyone interested in telemental health and its study. The author, in this book, is discussing online sessions and their success in her personal experience. She has also mentioned her training sessions to thousands of professionals on the same topic.  Because of the personal experiences mentioned, this made it to the list of 5 best telehealth books for mental health providers.

It’s a complete guidebook to becoming a successful online therapist. The book features a detailed map of the essential topics like platforms that are both HIPAA compliant and user-friendly. It also gives a detailed discussion about ethical ways of navigating dilemmas. Moreover, there is the most current information about virtual care best practices and rules and regulations. The language used in this book in English, and there are 151 pages present in it.


  • Have authors own personal life experience
  • Includes a detailed road map to becoming a professional therapist
  • Covers the essential topics
  • Good value for money



The Mental Health Professional and the New Technologies

5 best telehealth books for mental health practices

Marlene M Maheu writes this book along with some other authors, including Myron L., Frank H., Joseph P., And Nancy E. . All of these authors are famous for their knowledge in Mental Health and its practices. The publisher of this book is the American Academy of Pediatrics. This book has a detailed discussion on legal and regulatory issues, which are essential while dealing with any e medical issue. It has a discussion and overview of issues raised by the Health Insurance Portability and accountability act HIPAA. These authors have combined concrete technical, ethical, and managerial suggestions to make a seven-step learning process in this book. 

The authors also talk about the risk of having online consultation and its management model. There are various more issues related to mental health and its elemental treatment included in this book. Many of the reviewers have mentioned that if you plan to work or start an online practice, this book is a must-buy for you as it has all the necessary information that you might require before working on this plan. Because of it’s regulatory focus, this made it to the list of 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals.


  • Very well written
  • Has valuable ideas and relevant information
  • The authors are the most famous
  • Has covered all the essential topics


Customer complaints that the authors have many complaints on Google regarding them.

Final Thoughts On The 5 Best Telehealth Books For Mental Health

Most practitioners and doctors find it hard when dealing with technology and different Computer-Based systems. But there are so many times that technology becomes a necessity when dealing with many patients all over the world. It gets hard to travel everywhere just to treat your patient within the time. For this reason, technology has made your clinic routine easier by shifting it to online clinics. Online clinics and teleclinics are cheaper and easier to practice, but you just need to know about all the rules, regulations, and ethics related to this practice before you start them. The 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals should provide more information on these topics.

You must also know about the type of population you would have to cover when dealing globally through the internet. These books are a few of the Best telemental health books that can be referred to when planning to start or pursue a telemental health clinic. All the above-listed books are a few of the best telehealth books for mental health. These books have covered all the necessary areas that you might lack when starting an online clinic. Moreover, the book authors have shared their experience of starting the same practice years ago and have discussed how they have flourished through this idea. With the diversity of topics, we feel that at least one of the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals will be of benefit.

Buying Guide

Few things have to be considered while you’re purchasing a telemental health book. Review some of these considerations when we identified the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals.

The Population Covered

The larger the population Book has covered, the more information and unique factors to deal with telemental health will be known. Some books only cover children and adolescence, while some books also include forensic and correctional populations. Your perfect choice should be the book that has discussed a variety of populations, including the military, veterans, people with disorders, and rural communities as well.

Sections Provided In The Toolkit

These are the sections that we reviewed when identifying the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals:

  • There are usually five sections provided with multiple subsections in any good telepsychiatry to get.
  • The first section should be the history and background related information along with different subsections related to it.
  • The second section should be about training and how to practice telemental health. 
  • One other important section that should be provided is legal requirements and rules regarding telemental health practice.
  • There should be a section that provides information regarding software and the requirement of the practice.
  • And lastly, there should be a topic that discusses clinical issues present among all types of populations.

Author of The Book

The book’s author should be a well-practiced and experienced person as the information you would want to rely on must be authentic and relevant. There are a few aspects that you would consider while you are studying the author of the book. There should be more than one author. The author must be highly educated and has good experience in writing books related to the same practice. You must also check everyone’s review of the author’s style of writing and way of conveying. The author’s experience weighed heavily on our selection of the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone start elemental clinical after reading this book? 

No, this book is for mental health professionals who intend to start using the technology so that they can cover a large population with the help of technological advancement. But the books can be read by any age as per guided on the book guidelines. If you are a provider, the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals should provide great benefit.

Does the book have a step by step guidance about software and technology? 

These books talk in detail about software and Technology so that you can build your startup and start practicing telemental health as soon as possible. If you are looking for more details on technologies, the 5 best telehealth books for mental health professionals would help.

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