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What does professional liability insurance not cover?

  • Bodily injury or property damage: It will not cover damages or claims expenses if you injure or damage someone’s property.  
  • Fraudulent acts: It won’t cover any fraudulent, dishonest, or criminal acts. However, it’ll defend these actions until they’re proven to be fraudulent, dishonest, or criminal by a proper process in court.  
  • Employment matters: It will not cover you for claims alleging any improper employment practices committed against your employees or for any workers’ compensation claims or employer’s liability claims. 
  • Other services: It will not cover any medical, nursing, legal, or actuarial services regardless of your occupation. It will also not cover any services you perform not specified by the endorsement of the services attached to your policy. 
  • False advertising: It will not cover misleading or deceptive advertising or marketing of your practice. 
  • Release of personally identifiable information: If information about a patient is released inappropriately then most professional liability insurance policies will not cover this situation.