
    Arizona Department of Health Services, SLP

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Arizona Department of Health Services promotes and protects the health of Arizona’s children and adults. We strive to set the standard for personal and community health through direct care, science, public policy, and leadership. The department operates programs in the following areas:

    • Disease prevention and control
    • Health promotion
    • Community public health
    • Environmental health
    • Maternal and child health
    • Emergency preparedness
    • Regulation of childcare centers, assisted living centers, nursing homes, hospitals, other health care providers, and emergency services.
    • Listing ID: 33703
    Contact details

    150 North 18th, Suite 460, Phoenix, AZ 85007US - Arizona,85007 602-364-2079 https://www.azdhs.gov/licensing/special/index.php#speech-hearing-home