
    Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners

     State Boards / by Telehealthist

    The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners protects the public and serves the state of Nevada by ensuring that only well-qualified, competent physicians, physician assistants, practitioners of respiratory care and perfusionists receive licenses to practice in Nevada. The Board responds with expediency to complaints against our licensees by conducting fair, complete investigations that result in appropriate action. In all Board activities, the Board shall place the interests of the public before the interests of the medical profession and encourage public input and involvement to help educate the public as we improve the quality of medical practice in Nevada.

    • Listing ID: 32482
    Contact details

    9600 Gateway Drive Reno, NVUS - Nevada,89521 (775) 688-2559 ***** http://medboard.nv.gov/Contact/Contact/