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ReviewsBest Telehealth Books

Best Telehealth Books

Health is an important aspect of our life that should not be neglected. The best telehealth books are becoming the source to understand the vital facts about your health. 

Directly or indirectly, our whole life revolves around our health. Even when one is not paying attention to it, the health is doing its work. If you have it, then you can have everything. If you lose your health while having everything, then your wealth is of no use. This is how important health is. That is why continuous efforts are and were being made to raise awareness. The awareness is spread on a broad spectrum. Telehealth books are a part of that spectrum. We have a list of the best telehealth books for you here. 

Telehealth has become necessary with each passing day in our modern world. Our world is becoming more and more dangerous for living things, which includes us, humans. In these circumstances, we should be more concerned and vigilant about our health. Telehealth is the fastest way to spread awareness regarding health. Not everyone can go to doctors; not every area has enough doctors; not every health issue needs consultation from doctors and many other reasons. This is why telehealth is the best and smartest decision to keep yourself healthy. The reviews below of the best telehealth books will make it easier for you to choose one. 

The Patient Will See You Now: The Future of Medicine Is in Your Hands

Best telehealth books available

Digital technology has taken over us in every aspect. Do you want to book a cab? Open the app. Do you want to book a flight? Open the app. Do you want to book a reservation in a restaurant? Visit their website. Everything is just one touch away from you. In this case, how could the field of medicine stay behind? 

After all, it is more critical than any restaurant or a cab. That is why digital technology has taken the lead here as well. This book, The Patient Will See You Now, explains how technology can help us to take charge of our health. Through this technology, we control many aspects of our lives. Health can be one of them. The facility is available, but only a little fraction of people try it despite it being easy. This is what the book is all about. 

The book is written by one of America’s leading doctors, Eric J. Topol. Despite being a doctor, he argues how you don’t need frequent visits to hospitals in this book. Booking an appointment, visiting a hospital, waiting for your turn, then waiting for your tests, it’s all a long and tiring process. This process consumes too much time. The author argues medicine shouldn’t be like that in this age. And there is, in fact, a solution for the old-time consuming process. He says now you can install an app on your smartphone and then good to go. Through these apps, many features are available, which he explains in his book. 


  • The book talks about a better healthcare system
  • It suggests to you how to save your money and time
  • This book is available in many forms, including Audio CD


  • The book suggests excellent ideas, but they have a one-way perspective but still makes it in the list of best telehealth books 

The Digital Health Revolution

The esteemed Kevin Pereau writes this great book. Medicine entering the digital world is no less than a revolution. The book captures precisely that and is one of our best telehealth books. To advance this, much in medicine is no less than a miracle. All thanks to the professionals and scientists who dedicated their day and nights to our health. The same or you could say somewhat around hard work goes into making the medicine digitized. 

The Digital Health Revolution is said to be the first consumer look to make people aware of how data is put together, analyzed, and then translated into results. This book also has insights, arguments, and reasons for 30 healthcare thought leaders. The book captures digital health in all aspects. It includes hospitals, consumers, physicians and others. 

The writer, Pereau, has taken multiple interviews from the people on the field. Their insight is accurate and valuable. Through these interviews, the writer has gathered how data is collected in hospitals, algorithms are used, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. All of this is provided to a suitable provider to make a program or app. This book also includes the history of digitalization in medicine. It also covers the aspect of security or privacy of data. No one answered the question about privacy. For all of them, it was just a small concern. Overall, it’s a good read if you want to know the details of digitized medicine. 


  • The book is affordable and available on kindle which makes it one of the best telehealth books
  • Things are explained in a simple manner
  • The book gets into all the details


  • The book doesn’t include the perspective of actual caregivers  

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performance and Pitfalls 

The third book on our best telehealth books list is by two excellent doctors, Adam William Darkins and Margaret Ann Cary. This book, Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performance and Pitfalls, is more preferred if you want a doctor’s point of view on the medical industry. Other than that, it focuses on how to bring telemedicine programs to life which makes it one of the best telehealth books to buy. How to carry them out successfully in clinics and practice. These two doctors tell us why and how you should arrange plans. There are many useful tips included as to how to manage those programs in several settings. 

All these programs are related to the health care system. The books and the doctors recognize how patients are the customers of the healthcare system and telemedicine. They have realized and mentioned that to reach the inaccessible and rural areas is essential for the future of the healthcare system.  

The book not only includes the relations of technology and health care systems but important definitions too. These definitions are of those critical terms used in medicine, their applications and much more. The new and essential part of this book is it includes a patient’s experience. Unlike the other books focusing only on the innovations of technology, this book covers the part of whether patients are benefitting from it or not. The book is quite detailed in describing issues along with the advancement. 


  • The book is very comprehensive 
  • It covers the experience of patients as well, which is rare to find
  • Physicians themselves write it which makes it one of the best telehealth books from a doctors point of view


  • It is not available very readily  

Telemedicine Technologies: Information Technologies in Medicine and Telehealth

Best telehealth books to learn

Now on to our fourth telehealth book by A. C. M. Fong, C. K. Li and Bernard Fog which is called Telemedicine Technologies: Information Technologies in Medicine and Telehealth. This is one of the best telehealth books that focus solely on wireless technologies for the transformation of medical information. The authors have described how commonly available wireless networks like WLAN and BWA can be optimized for spreading the information in multiple situations. 

Not only the spreading of information but also how this technology works in favor of the medical field. Other than that, they have also discussed consumer health technology. It has been explained and discussed in this book how a reduction in the manufacturing costs is creating ease for the general public. Affording healthcare is becoming easier for the general public with healthcare technology. The book also discusses facilities like system development, multimedia and health informatics, information technology, privacy etc. 

Other than the main topic of using wireless technology as a carrier of medical information, the authors also describe multiple factors. The factors are those things that need to be considered when wireless technology is being applied to healthcare services. If you don’t consider these factors, then there is a chance you might miss out on something important. 

Usually, these factors or those small things that are ignored frequently when discussing technology with medicine are discussed here. It is a great plus point for this book. The students and professionals of the biomedical engineer, biotechnology, and information engineering will find fair use of this book. IT professionals inclined towards medicine technology, healthcare professionals, and researches can also take quite great help from this book. This is defintely one of the best telehealth books for healthcare information professionals.


  • The book discusses new technology, wireless, about medicine
  • It can be quite beneficial for researchers and students
  • The authors even cover advance topics like RFID


  • It is expensive than the other competing books 

Understanding Telehealth

best telehealth books to get

The last book on our list, Understanding Telehealth, is by Karen Schulder Rheuban and Elizabeth Krupinski. This book is said to be the first proper guide in the vast field of telehealth. Telehealth is filled with a sea of information, technology, and research. It’s like a never-ending route. Telehealth is only progressing like the rest of the technology. That is why the world needs to adapt to it. We need to make ourselves aware of ongoing medical technology. This book is one of the best telehealth books for beginners.

Telehealth is a great help for our health. We get to know what’s good and what’s not for our health, sitting in the comfort of our home. But again, this is only possible if we make ourselves aware of telehealth. And this book is a help for us to step into that field. 

Not only is this book a guide into the telehealth field, but it covers a wide range of topics. The book has an explanation of various technologies that are a must in telehealth. And this book isn’t just based on opinions but proper research. It includes evidence of the things and claims contained in the book. With the introduction to telehealth, it also tells the reader where a particular telehealth technology is applied. 

The book makes sure that the readers also get to know the applications of telehealth. This way, it is easier to relate it to our own lives. To make it even easier for readers, the book includes the history of telehealth as well. Along with history, it has definitions, roles, and rural health information too. The book can easily be used by medical staff, healthcare advocates, researchers, hospitals, public health researchers etc.


  • It is an excellent book for a common man and also for technical staff
  • The book includes a lot of details, including the history of telehealth 
  • One of the best telehealth books for new professionals


  • It is somewhat expensive than competitors 

Final thoughts on the best telehealth books

Are these books any useful?

This is a very common and the right kind of question. But yes, these books are useful. As we make ourselves aware of the latest smartphone technology, which adds to our comfort, we should also be mindful of the latest health technology. To be aware of the latest health technology is a must in this dangerous world. Arming yourself with the information in some of the best telehealth books will prepare you for what’s ahead.

Which book is most appropriate?

It all depends on how much awareness you already have regarding telehealth. There are different levels of books. As these books are technical, there is no such thing as “good” or “bad.” For beginners, choose a book that covers the primary topic and is easy to read. If you are an avid reader of these topics, then go for the one which has advanced topics plus more insights. 

What suitable books add to our lives?

Telehealth is advancing quicker than we can think of. Advancement means it might be becoming affordable for us. However, the chances are that as the accuracy of the healthcare system increases, prices will increase too. Now, when you are willing to put a large amount of money in healthcare technology, you should also be aware of what functions they perform.  Using the best telehealth books will help you get ahead and adapt to the changes.


We hope that our review of the best telehealth books was useful. If you are still confused about making a choice, then the first list of your needs, why you need one, which book offers the best explanation etc. It all comes down to which book is suitable for an ordinary person. Every book on this list is impressive in its way. However, some readers will prefer the best telehealth books over another. It depends greatly on one’s preferences. Best of luck to you choosing the best telehealth books. Explore our other insights and reviews at

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